Saturday, January 22, 2011

First Post of the Year

Wow, it's been awhile since I've actually bothered to put something up here. I should really do something about that.

Work continues on the first draft of my first novel. So far I'm eleven chapters in with over 40,000 words written. By far this is the most I've ever written on any single one project.

It's interesting how things have developed. I've been able to delve much deeper into each character, and they've changed a little bit from my original concept. One character has become a lot more competent than I originally planned for him to be, and the relationship between all three of my main characters has taken on an interesting dynamic. To be honest, I'm really surprised sometimes by what's coming out of my head.

Another good thing I'm seeing is I'm able to get more words down on the page each night. It used to be I'd have trouble getting even five hundred words down in under two hours, but now I'm regularly hitting a thousand in the same time frame. I've doubled my output!

And that's the reason January has slipped mostly past without me putting up a blog post. I want to get a first draft done, so I haven't been going out to see movies or shows or anything else interesting enough to put up a blog post about. Heck, even my readings been suffering. I have a biography of Napoleon that I started before Christmas that I still haven't finished reading. Oh well, maybe I'll have some free time to do stuff after March and after I have my novel in the hands of the readers for Angry Robot books.

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